
What is Simple Android Server?

What is Simple Server? Simple Server is a very simple but powerful program written to help in modification on how network sees devices. The better explanation of the above statement is that simpleserver help devices to be seen like another, eg, with the help you can modify Android Phones to been seen by Network Services providers as a Blackberry phone through changing the Injection Query, Injection Hostand other things in the program settings.
SimpleServer App is available in android but the also have their Pc (windows) version.
In this thread, I am going to post only on the Android App, I will surely open another thread for windows software.
Simple Server have two versions and both of them are working well though the first version Simplerserver Apk 1 sometimes disconnects on your android device which in turns will disrupt your network from sending and receiving data thereby stopping you from downloading data until you reconnect it. I think the disconnection bug is basically the reason why Simple Server version 2 was released.
Simple Server 1:-
Simple Server 1 as I stated above is working with disconnection bug in some cases. It have all the settings to add your host and query url, ip. To start it just tap start and the wheel will start spinning to tell you it has started. Below is the the screenshot of the user interface (UI) on my Android device.
Simple Server 1 is no longer available on Google play store for download but you can Download It Here [Simple Android Server.apk]
Simple Server 2:-
Simpler Server Version 2 is an upgrade on version 1 with disconnection bug fixes and it now consumes less ram, battery and other android phone’s resources. It is available for download on Google Play store, just visit Google Play Store app on your android device and search for ‘Simple Server’ to download it. You can also download the app in apk with your computer browser and transfer it to your phone for installation.
Here is the simple but elegant user interface of version 2

Tap Start Server to start running the app and tap stop server to stop it from running. Tap the drop down menu is the upper right and tap quit to quit the app.
Setting Simple Server.
Simple Server Settings is flexible, by being flexible I mean it depends on the configuration you have. The settings for MTN Whats App is different for that of their BBLITED. MTN BBCDAY SimpleServer settings is also different from that of Etisalat BIS config, you just have to input the correct url, IP address and other options based on your instruction.

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