
Best Way To Download Youtube Videos Through Mobile Phones.

We all know Youtube got the videos we love. And we find it difficult to download when browsing those videos.
Finally solution is here at last.
Follow the steps below:
Step1: Find the URL of your video. When the page of your video is visible. Find the Url. The Url should be like this “ =l-EdQkk1joo”
Step2: You will have to Change the url of the video to perform the magic. simply input magic inbetween “You(Magic)Tube” just like this “ watch?v=l-EdQkk1joo” and hit Enter.
Step3: After that Press ENTER and it will redirect you to “SaveTube” where you’ll be able to save the video you selected.
Step4: Now Select your needed resolution and download the video.
Enjoy Youtube videos.

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